1 Best air purifiers with ionic filtration

1 Best air purifiers with ionic filtration

Ionic filtration uses electrically charged ions to remove airborne particles, enhancing air purification. Ionic filtration in air purifiers is a technology that uses electrically charged ions to remove airborne particles from the air. This method works by releasing negatively charged ions into the air, which then attach to positively charged particles such as dust, pollen, and other allergens. Once charged, these particles become heavier and fall out of the air onto surfaces or into the purifier's collection plates. Ionic filtration is particularly effective at removing ultrafine particles that might slip through traditional mechanical filters. It can also help to neutralize odors and some volatile organic compounds (VOCs). However, it's important to choose models that produce minimal ozone, as high levels of ozone can be harmful to health.
Facts about Best air purifiers with ionic filtration
  •  The filtration technologies used in Airdog X5 are Ionic Filtration,Washable Filter..  The price of Airdog X5 is 599.  Airdog X5 is manufactured by Airdog.  The coverage area of Airdog X5 is 450 sq ft.  Airdog X5 can effectively cover a room size of 450.