7 best dinosaurs for students

7 best dinosaurs for students

Dinosaurs that help students learn about paleontology and evolution These specimens are particularly effective for teaching students about dinosaurs, evolution, and earth sciences. They provide clear examples of important scientific concepts and help students understand prehistoric life and geological time.
Facts about best dinosaurs for students
  •  The diet of Maiasaura is Herbivore  Maiasaura lived during the Late Cretaceous  The scientific name of Maiasaura is Maiasaura Peeblesorum.  The family classification of Maiasaura is Hadrosauridae.  Maiasaura existed during the Late Cretaceous.  Maiasaura would be particularly interesting for Students.
  •  The diet of Brachiosaurus is Herbivore  Brachiosaurus lived during the Late Jurassic  The scientific name of Brachiosaurus is Brachiosaurus Altithorax.  The family classification of Brachiosaurus is Brachiosauridae.  Brachiosaurus existed during the Late Jurassic.  Brachiosaurus would be particularly interesting for Students.
  •  The diet of Psittacosaurus is Herbivore  Psittacosaurus lived during the Early Cretaceous  The scientific name of Psittacosaurus is Psittacosaurus Mongoliensis.  The family classification of Psittacosaurus is Ceratopsidae.  Psittacosaurus existed during the Early Cretaceous.  Psittacosaurus would be particularly interesting for Students,Researchers.
  •  The diet of Compsognathus is Carnivore  Compsognathus lived during the Late Jurassic  The scientific name of Compsognathus is Compsognathus Longipes.  The family classification of Compsognathus is Compsognathidae.  Compsognathus existed during the Late Jurassic.  Compsognathus would be particularly interesting for Students,Researchers.
  •  The diet of Massospondylus is Herbivore  Massospondylus lived during the Early Jurassic  The scientific name of Massospondylus is Massospondylus Carinatus.  The family classification of Massospondylus is Massospondylidae.  Massospondylus existed during the Early Jurassic.  Massospondylus would be particularly interesting for Students.
  •  The diet of Edmontosaurus is Herbivore  Edmontosaurus lived during the Late Cretaceous  The scientific name of Edmontosaurus is Edmontosaurus Regalis.  The family classification of Edmontosaurus is Hadrosauridae.  Edmontosaurus existed during the Late Cretaceous.  Edmontosaurus would be particularly interesting for Museum Curators,Students.
  •  The diet of Thescelosaurus is Herbivore  Thescelosaurus lived during the Late Cretaceous  The scientific name of Thescelosaurus is Thescelosaurus Neglectus.  The family classification of Thescelosaurus is Thescelosauridae.  Thescelosaurus existed during the Late Cretaceous.  Thescelosaurus would be particularly interesting for Students.