1 best mamenchisauridae dinosaurs

1 best mamenchisauridae dinosaurs

Mamenchisauridae were sauropods known for having the longest necks among all dinosaurs. Mamenchisauridae were a family of sauropod dinosaurs from the Late Jurassic period, particularly notable for their extremely long necks - the longest proportionally of any known dinosaur. These massive herbivores had necks that could reach up to half of their total body length, allowing them to reach vegetation in very tall trees and unique feeding niches.
Facts about best mamenchisauridae dinosaurs
  •  The diet of Mamenchisaurus is Herbivore  Mamenchisaurus lived during the Late Jurassic  The scientific name of Mamenchisaurus is Mamenchisaurus Constructus.  The family classification of Mamenchisaurus is Mamenchisauridae.  Mamenchisaurus existed during the Late Jurassic.