23 best medium dinosaurs 3-10 meters

23 best medium dinosaurs 3-10 meters

Medium-sized dinosaurs between 3 and 10 meters in length These medium-sized dinosaurs represent a diverse range of species that occupied various ecological niches. Their moderate size provides insights into dinosaur diversity, adaptation, and the evolution of different body plans.
Facts about best medium dinosaurs 3-10 meters
  •  The diet of Triceratops is Herbivore  Triceratops lived during the Late Cretaceous  Triceratops was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Triceratops is Triceratops Horridus.  The family classification of Triceratops is Ceratopsidae.  Triceratops existed during the Late Cretaceous.
  •  The diet of Deinonychus is Carnivore  Deinonychus lived during the Early Cretaceous  Deinonychus was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Deinonychus is Deinonychus Antirrhopus.  The family classification of Deinonychus is Dromaeosauridae.  Deinonychus existed during the Early Cretaceous.
  •  The diet of Allosaurus is Carnivore  Allosaurus lived during the Late Jurassic  Allosaurus was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Allosaurus is Allosaurus Fragilis.  The family classification of Allosaurus is Allosauridae.  Allosaurus existed during the Late Jurassic.
  •  The diet of Pteranodon is Carnivore  Pteranodon lived during the Late Cretaceous  Pteranodon was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Pteranodon is Pteranodon Longiceps.  The family classification of Pteranodon is Pteranodontidae.  Pteranodon existed during the Late Cretaceous.
  •  The diet of Carnotaurus is Carnivore  Carnotaurus lived during the Late Cretaceous  Carnotaurus was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Carnotaurus is Carnotaurus Sastrei.  The family classification of Carnotaurus is Abelisauridae.  Carnotaurus existed during the Late Cretaceous.
  •  The diet of Stegosaurus is Herbivore  Stegosaurus lived during the Late Jurassic  Stegosaurus was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Stegosaurus is Stegosaurus Stenops.  The family classification of Stegosaurus is Stegosauridae.  Stegosaurus existed during the Late Jurassic.
  •  The diet of Maiasaura is Herbivore  Maiasaura lived during the Late Cretaceous  Maiasaura was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Maiasaura is Maiasaura Peeblesorum.  The family classification of Maiasaura is Hadrosauridae.  Maiasaura existed during the Late Cretaceous.
  •  The diet of Ankylosaurus is Herbivore  Ankylosaurus lived during the Late Cretaceous  Ankylosaurus was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Ankylosaurus is Ankylosaurus Magniventris.  The family classification of Ankylosaurus is Ankylosauridae.  Ankylosaurus existed during the Late Cretaceous.
  •  The diet of Styracosaurus is Herbivore  Styracosaurus lived during the Late Cretaceous  Styracosaurus was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Styracosaurus is Styracosaurus Albertensis.  The family classification of Styracosaurus is Ceratopsidae.  Styracosaurus existed during the Late Cretaceous.
  •  The diet of Megalosaurus is Carnivore  Megalosaurus lived during the Late Jurassic  Megalosaurus was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Megalosaurus is Megalosaurus Bucklandii.  The family classification of Megalosaurus is Megalosauridae.  Megalosaurus existed during the Late Jurassic.
  •  The diet of Dilophosaurus is Carnivore  Dilophosaurus lived during the Early Jurassic  Dilophosaurus was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Dilophosaurus is Dilophosaurus Wetherilli.  The family classification of Dilophosaurus is Dilophosauridae.  Dilophosaurus existed during the Early Jurassic.
  •  The diet of Gallimimus is Omnivore  Gallimimus lived during the Late Cretaceous  Gallimimus was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Gallimimus is Gallimimus Bullatus.  The family classification of Gallimimus is Ornithomimidae.  Gallimimus existed during the Late Cretaceous.
  •  The diet of Pachycephalosaurus is Herbivore  Pachycephalosaurus lived during the Late Cretaceous  Pachycephalosaurus was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Pachycephalosaurus is Pachycephalosaurus Wyomingensis.  The family classification of Pachycephalosaurus is Pachycephalosauridae.  Pachycephalosaurus existed during the Late Cretaceous.
  •  The diet of Euplocephalus is Herbivore  Euplocephalus lived during the Late Cretaceous  Euplocephalus was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Euplocephalus is Euoplocephalus Tutus.  The family classification of Euplocephalus is Ankylosauridae.  Euplocephalus existed during the Late Cretaceous.
  •  The diet of Utahraptor is Carnivore  Utahraptor lived during the Early Cretaceous  Utahraptor was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Utahraptor is Utahraptor Ostrommaysorum.  The family classification of Utahraptor is Dromaeosauridae.  Utahraptor existed during the Early Cretaceous.
  •  The diet of Massospondylus is Herbivore  Massospondylus lived during the Early Jurassic  Massospondylus was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Massospondylus is Massospondylus Carinatus.  The family classification of Massospondylus is Massospondylidae.  Massospondylus existed during the Early Jurassic.
  •  The diet of Dracorex is Herbivore  Dracorex lived during the Late Cretaceous  Dracorex was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Dracorex is Dracorex Hogwartsia.  The family classification of Dracorex is Pachycephalosauridae.  Dracorex existed during the Late Cretaceous.
  •  The diet of Lambeosaurus is Herbivore  Lambeosaurus lived during the Late Cretaceous  Lambeosaurus was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Lambeosaurus is Lambeosaurus Lambei.  The family classification of Lambeosaurus is Hadrosauridae.  Lambeosaurus existed during the Late Cretaceous.
  •  The diet of Ouranosaurus is Herbivore  Ouranosaurus lived during the Early Cretaceous  Ouranosaurus was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Ouranosaurus is Ouranosaurus Nigeriensis.  The family classification of Ouranosaurus is Hadrosauridae.  Ouranosaurus existed during the Early Cretaceous.
  •  The diet of Siamosaurus is Carnivore  Siamosaurus lived during the Early Cretaceous  Siamosaurus was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Siamosaurus is Siamosaurus Suteethorni.  The family classification of Siamosaurus is Spinosauridae.  Siamosaurus existed during the Early Cretaceous.
  •  The diet of Plateosaurus is Herbivore  Plateosaurus lived during the Late Triassic  Plateosaurus was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Plateosaurus is Plateosaurus Engelhardti.  The family classification of Plateosaurus is Plateosauridae.  Plateosaurus existed during the Late Triassic.
  •  The diet of Kentrosaurus is Herbivore  Kentrosaurus lived during the Late Jurassic  Kentrosaurus was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Kentrosaurus is Kentrosaurus Aethiopicus.  The family classification of Kentrosaurus is Stegosauridae.  Kentrosaurus existed during the Late Jurassic.
  •  The diet of Thescelosaurus is Herbivore  Thescelosaurus lived during the Late Cretaceous  Thescelosaurus was a Medium (3-10M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Thescelosaurus is Thescelosaurus Neglectus.  The family classification of Thescelosaurus is Thescelosauridae.  Thescelosaurus existed during the Late Cretaceous.