3 best tiny dinosaurs under 1 meter
Categories- Diet Type 🥩CarnivoreTime Period 🕗Late JurassicLength Type 📏Tiny (Under 1M)Scientific Name 🦖Archaeopteryx LithographicaFamily Classification 🦕ArchaeopterygidaeMade In Date 🕒Late JurassicPros ✅Well-Preserved Fossils, Important Evolutionary Link and Complete SpecimensCons ❌Small Size, Limited Defense Mechanisms and Fragile Bones
- Diet Type 🥩CarnivoreTime Period 🕗Early CretaceousLength Type 📏Tiny (Under 1M)Scientific Name 🦖Microraptor GuiFamily Classification 🦕DromaeosauridaeMade In Date 🕒Early CretaceousPros ✅Exceptional Preservation & Revolutionary For Flight EvolutionCons ❌Small Size Limits Predatory Capabilities & Fragile Bones
- Diet Type 🥩CarnivoreTime Period 🕗Early JurassicLength Type 📏Tiny (Under 1M)Scientific Name 🦖Dimorphodon MacronyxFamily Classification 🦕DimorphodontidaeMade In Date 🕒Early JurassicPros ✅Excellent Flight Capabilities & Well-Preserved SpecimensCons ❌Small Size Limits Study Scope & Limited Prey Variety
Showing 1 to 25 from 3 items.
Facts about best tiny dinosaurs under 1 meter
- The diet of Archaeopteryx is Carnivore Archaeopteryx lived during the Late Jurassic Archaeopteryx was a Tiny (Under 1M) sized dinosaur The scientific name of Archaeopteryx is Archaeopteryx Lithographica. The family classification of Archaeopteryx is Archaeopterygidae. Archaeopteryx existed during the Late Jurassic.
- The diet of Microraptor is Carnivore Microraptor lived during the Early Cretaceous Microraptor was a Tiny (Under 1M) sized dinosaur The scientific name of Microraptor is Microraptor Gui. The family classification of Microraptor is Dromaeosauridae. Microraptor existed during the Early Cretaceous.
- The diet of Dimorphodon is Carnivore Dimorphodon lived during the Early Jurassic Dimorphodon was a Tiny (Under 1M) sized dinosaur The scientific name of Dimorphodon is Dimorphodon Macronyx. The family classification of Dimorphodon is Dimorphodontidae. Dimorphodon existed during the Early Jurassic.