3 best tiny dinosaurs under 1 meter

3 best tiny dinosaurs under 1 meter

Tiny dinosaurs less than 1 meter in length These miniature dinosaurs show the remarkable diversity of dinosaur body sizes. Their small size provides insights into dinosaur evolution, ecological specialization, and the advantages of being small in certain environmental niches.
Facts about best tiny dinosaurs under 1 meter
  •  The diet of Archaeopteryx is Carnivore  Archaeopteryx lived during the Late Jurassic  Archaeopteryx was a Tiny (Under 1M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Archaeopteryx is Archaeopteryx Lithographica.  The family classification of Archaeopteryx is Archaeopterygidae.  Archaeopteryx existed during the Late Jurassic.
  •  The diet of Microraptor is Carnivore  Microraptor lived during the Early Cretaceous  Microraptor was a Tiny (Under 1M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Microraptor is Microraptor Gui.  The family classification of Microraptor is Dromaeosauridae.  Microraptor existed during the Early Cretaceous.
  •  The diet of Dimorphodon is Carnivore  Dimorphodon lived during the Early Jurassic  Dimorphodon was a Tiny (Under 1M) sized dinosaur  The scientific name of Dimorphodon is Dimorphodon Macronyx.  The family classification of Dimorphodon is Dimorphodontidae.  Dimorphodon existed during the Early Jurassic.